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Bill Weissgerber | Railey Realty

Search Real Estate in Deep Creek Lake & Garrett County, Maryland

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Garrett County

Garrett County is Maryland’s western most county, and is home to the state’s highest point, largest freshwater lake, tallest free-falling waterfall, and most state-owned land! It’s truly a four-season destination unlike anything else in the immediate area. Garrett County is mostly rural, with many farms dotting the landscape, and thousands of acres of pristine natural park land and protected forests. The small towns that make up the overall community each offer their own unique flair and attractions. 

Garrett County has always been an escape from the suburban city life – even in the early 1900s – when big names like Henry Ford, President Grover Cleveland, and Albert Einstein visiting to get away from the city. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the trains would be hundreds of passengers to Oakland, Deer Park, and Mountain Lake Park, to enjoy the beautiful scenery and cooling waters of the Potomac and Youghiogheny Rivers. In the early 1920s, work began clearing what would become the lakebed for Deep Creek Lake. The hydrohalic dam would be state of the art at the time – and Deep Creek Lake was officially filled and ready for fun in 1925. Once the lake was completed, an entirely new attraction brought visitors to Garrett County. Wisp Resort’s opening in the 1950s added even more winter fun to Garrett County. 

So what makes Garrett County special? More than just the stark natural beauty, Garrett County offers the best of every season and outdoor recreation. The higher elevation than surrounding major cities, like Pittsburgh, PA, Baltimore, MD, and Washington, D.C., means the temperature is typically cooler with less humidity in the summer, and a lot more snow in the winter! Garrett County averages 110” of snow per winter season. The mountain air and rural landscape also create a perfect combination for unforgettable autumn colors during the fall season. The many rivers and tributaries are a fisherman’s dream – and some even offer world-class rapids for those who love to paddle. 

It’s a place you must see to experience!